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Только что посмотрел УУУУУУУУУхххххх !! Кили !!!! Супер!!!
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Ага если вспомнить что Макс жаловался когда переходил в Хонду что Ямаха не чемпионский байк и все такое я прикидываю какие муравьи ща у него в башке бегают Гонка конечно супер - но где остальные?? Макс это конечно юбе аллес!!! но против Вальки один он не боец
Млять Бъяджи Теперь еще и личного психиатора(или психолога) надо - ну не может он нормально с Вальком ездить ЗЫ А когда это было чтобы Валька и Макс друг другу руки жали после финиша............?
4 года назад на Калевских разбился Джо Данлоп, Легенда этих самых ТТ race
Это сюда http://www.iomtt.com/ Это очень круто, но помоему надо смотреть в живую( там можно смотреть практически возле трассы) Ну и очень опасно, год назад на наших Калевских гонках(типа местный ТТ, когда смотришь как народ по этой трассе гоняет прям жутко) разговорились с парнем как-раз таки с острова Мен, так он сказал про местную трассу - приличная типа трасса но не опасная....................
Малеха тячучее...Но общее впечатление Супер! Недавно скачал трэйлер Хоббита, типа в 2006 премьера.
Ага вот интересные изменения: starting grid поменяли 1.16 Grid Positions 1.16.2 For the MotoGP class, the Grid will be arranged in the 3-3-3-3 configuration "in echelon".
По идее это должен быть решающий сезон для Бъяджи, или у него крышняк совсем поедет или возможен последний всплеск ввиде чемпионского титула (я надеюсь ) Только как говориться, один маленький нюанс, если Валька его будет и на Ямахе так же возить- тада мне кажеться ДО свидания Великий Император И Мад Макс и все такое. пора слики на гвоздь типа.........(прости господи за крамольные речи)
Это так до кучи У Макса гонки на таких "штуках" вроде как даже хобби По телику смотрел мельком какие-то гонки, участниками среди прочих были Бьяджи и Бэйлис( кстати Максимка очень круто подрезал Бэйлиса и тот нехило рубанулся)
Ямаха чемпион 2004 :D !!!!! Блин, неужели и в самом деле Великий????
Сегодня вроде как должно подтвердиться о переходе Эдвардса в Telefonica MoviStar Honda ???? ?? Опа!!!!!! и Хага тоже уходит!!!!!
АГА , понеслась каша....По крайней мере пару месяцев непоняток и неподтвержденной инфы обеспечено Из последнего - Хэйден обратно в АМА
Text for normal readers ends here- WARNING: I strongly suggest you stop reading now. This is more than you probably want to know about all this, but if you want to go even deeper into the labyrinth of the MotoGP paddock, there is more. Currently there are seven works Honda riders operating out of four team structures: Repsol Honda with Rossi and Hayden Telefonica-Movistar Gresini Honda with Gibernau and Kiyonari Camel Pons Honda with Biaggi and Ukawa Pramac Bridgestone Honda with Tamada Under the IRTA-Dorna franchise agreement the MotoGP grid is intended to be composed of twelve two-rider teams coming from seven factory MSMA (Manufacturers of Sports Motorcycles Association) team members: Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Ducati and Aprilia. Honda, due to a deal HRC negotiated prior to the 2002 season, gets two team entries and the other five factories get one. That leaves five franchised teams: Team Roberts (Proton), Team Pons (Honda), Tech-3 (currently Gauloises Yamaha), Team D’Antin (currently Yamaha) and WCM to complete the twelve team list. But controversy and complication surround the status of the Pramac team, a two-rider “team” forced to lease single slots from two different teams. Pramac is an Italian company which imports Honda industrial engines and other non-motorcycle and non-automotive products. The relationship between Honda and Pramac is such that someone, perhaps a commercial director, promised Pramac the lease of factory machines for two riders in the MotoGP championship only to discover that all slots were taken. It was this situation that led to the memorable incident in Sachsenring, 2002, when Dorna CEO Carmelo Ezpeleta ejected HRC’s racing boss Koiji Nakajima, from his paddock office when the Japanese executive demanded that a place be made for the Pramac team in 2004. Since then the situation has continued to simmer on a back burner, though both Ezpeleta and Nakajima have appeared together and smiling in photographs and Nakajima has joked in a press conference about “my big fight with Mr. Ezpeleta.” Meanwhile, all available media attention is focused on Rossi’s contract negotiations and the effects his decision will have on the entire paddock (even on the Superbike paddock where Gregorio Lavilla recently said “it seems that until Rossi is signed no Japanese racing decisions are being finalized, not even in SBK). But behind the Rossi situation there the question of how Honda will honor a promise to Pramac without prying an additional team slot from IRTA and Dorna. Honda bosses have revealed their team strategy for 2004. They will supply six factory bikes which will all begin with equal potential. Once the championship battle in 2004 takes shape, Honda will give the priority to whatever rider and team is running at the front. This language (more, perhaps, than the repression of joy) angered Rossi, who believes that he, now a three times 500/MotoGP champion, should have automatic priority just as Mick Doohan did over his long reign and as Freddie Spencer and Wayne Gardner did in previous times (although Eddie Lawson managed to beat the works HRC team on a Kanemoto Honda in 1989). Honda’s plans have also placed the position of the Honda Pons team in doubt. Honda have committed to support two rider teams from their own HRC entry and also Gresini’s team (not a franchised team, but, in fact, Honda’s second works entry). Pons’ situation is precarious. Max Biaggi, perhaps Honda’s most solid championship challenger in 2004 if Rossi departs (Biaggi is a four times 250 World Champion with Aprilia (3 titles) and Honda Kanemnoto (1 title) and the only rider to win on both a Yamaha M1 and a Honda RC211V, plus his wins on both Honda and Yamaha two stroke 500’s), has a three-year contract (he says and Pramac confirms) with Pramac. He rides in the Honda Pons team and uses the Honda Pons technicians, but officially he is considered a Pramac rider using a leased team slot. Pons other rider is Tohru Ukawa, a full factory Honda HRC rider contracted not to Pons but to the Japanese factory. Furthermore, Honda has a very strong commitment to Makoto Tamada who rides as a Pramac-Bridgestone rider on a one-rider team using a slot leased from Luis D’Antin. D’Antin’s entry, Shinya Nakano, rides a works Yamaha M1 within the D’Antin structure, but D’Antin is set to use both his franchised slots in 2004 for a Ducati team led by new World Superbike Champion Neil Hodgson. That leaves Pramac with one less slot to lease. If Pramac were to buy the WCM team or lease both WCM slots, they could run Biaggi and Tamada, Max on Michelin and Tamada on Bridgestone, out of one garage, leaving Pons with two slots but no Hondas and no riders. Camel, sponsors for the Pons team, might jump to this mooted Pramac team following Biaggi. But, would Honda treat their two-time 250 World Champion and longest standing Honda satellite team owner this way? Apparently Honda are unhappy that Pons, a semi-works supported team owner, is positioned as IRTA president and a strong supporter of Dorna’s franchise team structure, a structure HRC dislikes. If Honda did the dirty to Pons and if WCM succumbed to Pramac’s hard cash, what would Pons do? He would need competitive machinery to keep any Camel sponsorship. Ducati seem committed to D’Antin and, under no circumstances, would Ducati Corse run works machines in Camel colors since 75% of their racing budget is covered by their three-year deal with rival Marlboro. That would seem to leave only the Moriwaki Honda MD211VF (Moriwaki frame and Honda RC211V motor) as an alternative for Sito if the worst came. But, with what riders and with what sponsor? Probably the best thing that could happened now from Pons’ perspective is for Rossi to move to make the move Yamaha that now seems very, very probable. That would elevate Biaggi’s value and Honda would understand that the very strong Pons technical staff (captained by the still ill and absent Antonio Cobas and with highly regarded crew chiefs Santi Mulero and Ramon Forcada) offers a guaranteed level of expertise. Pramac might still then choose to lease a second slot from Pons in order to run a Tamada with Bridgestone alongside Biaggi under the Pons roof. If Bridgestone and Michelin could not be compatible bedfellows then Pramac would have the option of leasing one of the WCM slots. If Pons tries to play hardball, however, Pramac might try to lease both WCM slots, leaving Pons with neither riders nor bikes and probably carrying away Camel in the process. So, while we wait for the other Rossi shoe to drop, consider the backroom negotiations that are currently going on involving HRC, Pramac, Team Pons, Team D’Antin and WCM.
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