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Old 17.10.20 9:57 BTW where are you from?
*photograp 17.10.20 9:58 Picher, Oklahoma, USA
Old 17.10.20 9:58 What is it -- USA? Where is it?
*photograp 17.10.20 9:59 United States of America
*photograp 17.10.20 10:00 I need to reboot. Be right back
Old 17.10.20 10:00 I heard this abbreviation somewhere....I think
its the country in which the skyscrapers fall
down. isnt it? P'haps you are not a very rich
*photograp 17.10.20 10:08 As far as the skyscrapers falling. It was an act
of terrorism
Old 17.10.20 10:10 Really? But I m surprized that you speak English
so well. Where did you study that?
*photograp 17.10.20 10:10 I know I make errors
Old 17.10.20 10:12 Yeah, but your English is very good! But U S A
(or how you spell that?) is somewhere very far
from the world civilization, right?
*photograp 17.10.20 10:14 No. The USA is a large nation. America is a great
place. You know where it is don't you
Old 17.10.20 10:16 I heard about it something. Maybe in the news? Is
it worth emigrating to you? As far as I see, you
even have a good Internet! But I thought you are
not a rich nation, cause even Helmets of
Communism builder for 55-70 Dollars are too much
for you...
*photograp 17.10.20 10:16 BTW your english is great. Where did you learn?
Old 17.10.20 10:18 Here in Belarus . First at school, then at the
Universiry. We, Belarussians, are good linguists!
But my native language is Russian.
*photograp 17.10.20 10:18 I am not a rich man....... I have four children
and the take a lot of cash
*photograp 17.10.20 10:18 I would love to learn Russian
Old 17.10.20 10:20 Everybody in Belarus speaks at least 5 languages,
even sellers of oranges
*photograp 17.10.20 10:21 WOW....... Most Americans just speak English.
Lazy I guess....
Old 17.10.20 10:21 The are: Belarussian., Russian, Communistian,
Polish and English
Old 17.10.20 10:21 Do you know any words in Russian?
*photograp 17.10.20 10:22 Not at all......
Old 17.10.20 10:22 This is a complete pizdets!
*photograp 17.10.20 10:23 what is pizdets!
Old 17.10.20 10:23 Well, its a very popular Russian word....
*photograp 17.10.20 10:24 Well it is late here. I am going to watch soem tv
before bed. See you later or tomorrow
Old 17.10.20 10:25 Good luck! Have a nice pizdets!!!
*photograp 17.10.20 10:26 OK Thanks
*photograp 21.10.20 9:42 h*ll o
*photograp 11.11.20 11:16 Hello again
Old 11.11.20 11:16 Hello!
*photograp 11.11.20 11:17 how are you today.
Old 11.11.20 11:17 30 min
*photograp 11.11.20 11:18 what is in 30 minutes
Old 11.11.20 11:19 Go
*photograp 11.11.20 11:20 well at least I caught you before you left
*photograp 11.11.20 11:25 How is everything in your part of the world today
Old 11.11.20 11:28 Hello! Its cool in Minsk City. Its first time in
this winter that there is snowfall. On this
occasion everybody has a holiday in Belarus, and
100 bucks were given to all people. And we sit
and drink tequiila. This is pizdets!!!!!!
*photograp 11.11.20 11:29 Sounds like fun........ Maybe I should come
over and visit
Old 11.11.20 11:31 We have communist regime. Our government doesnt
give visas to Americans. Unluckily for you....(
And sometimes bears ramble around streets of our
City. But not polar -- brown!!!! They look like
*photograp 11.11.20 11:32 To bad for me.... I would like to visit
Old 11.11.20 11:33 But bears already ate 13 men this year.
*photograp 11.11.20 11:34 WOW sounds like a problem. See we here in
America don't have a problem like that. We can
shoot them if they get out of line.
Old 11.11.20 11:36 Wow...but we dont have licences to shoot bears.
If we shoot one, we ll get in prison for 10
years. Our bears are the main national treasure,
apart from President Lukashenko.
Old 11.11.20 11:37 BTW does your country have a president? Or you
got a king?
*photograp 11.11.20 11:37 Yes but if they are eating humans they are a
problem. I like bears but if they try to eat me
then good by bear..
Old 11.11.20 11:38 Do you like zoobrs?
*photograp 11.11.20 11:38 president George Bush. We have never had kings
and alike
*photograp 11.11.20 11:38 yes
*photograp 11.11.20 11:39 Zoo bears are ok. I have hunted for bears
before. I like to hunt. We are free to own guns
and hunt as much as I want. Have you heard of
American Indians? I am one.
Old 11.11.20 11:39 George Bush? Sounds unfamiliar...I heard stg.
about Legs of Bush. Does he work at some poultry
*photograp 11.11.20 11:41 LOL No he is just our president. He is getting
ready to lead us into war with Iraq again
Old 11.11.20 11:42 Indians? I think they live in India. But you said
you live in America?
Old 11.11.20 11:43 Will you also go to war??? I was in Iraque. Nice
place!!! We will step into this war, too. But on
Iraque side. Because Lukashenko is the best
friend of Saddam Hussain
*photograp 11.11.20 11:43 Yes. THey also call the native Americans
indians. THey were here for 1000's of years
before the white people came. Some other
countries are interested in indians just wondered
if you were.
Old 11.11.20 11:45 Do you know Hemingway? Mandalay?
*photograp 11.11.20 11:45 Sorry to hear that. Hussain is a terrible man. we
will take him out of power this time. I fought in
the gulf war in the 90's but I am out of the
military now
*photograp 11.11.20 11:46 I am familiar with the work of Hemingway
Old 11.11.20 11:46 Belorussian people is also against Hussain. But
our president... Durak
Old 11.11.20 11:47 Which exactly work of him?
*photograp 11.11.20 11:48 titles seem to escape me for now. but his work is
required reading in high school
*photograp 11.11.20 11:48 why do you ask
Old 11.11.20 11:48 Its my favourite writer!!! I m fond of him. I
like Mandalay, too. Did you study his works at
high school?
*photograp 11.11.20 11:49 To be truthful I don't remember. It has been
several years and I don't recall all that we
Old 11.11.20 11:50 Mandalay is the greatest writer ever. Just like
Yakoob Kolas
*photograp 11.11.20 11:50 Now I have never heard of Yakoob Kolas. Is he
from your country
Old 11.11.20 11:51 Yes!!!! Do you remember how my country is
*photograp 11.11.20 11:52 Belarus or something like that. Sorry I am not
Old 11.11.20 11:54 Belarus is a cool place. Greatest in the world.
And you -- in America, right? I asked some of my
friends from different countries of the world,
nobody ever heard of America!!!!
*photograp 11.11.20 11:55 No one has heard of America? We have the best
country in the world. We are leaders in almost
everything. I am suprised.
Old 11.11.20 11:57 No you are mistaken!
Old 11.11.20 11:58 Nobody knows about you in Europe.
*photograp 11.11.20 11:58 No I don't believe so. Just look into it. You
will discover that this is the greatest nation in
the world
*photograp 11.11.20 11:59 That is funny.
Old 11.11.20 12:00 We have everything great in Belarus. Only 3
problems -- bears and niggers and McDonalds.
*photograp 11.11.20 12:00 LOL That is funny.
Old 11.11.20 12:01 Did you ever heard of McDdonalds??? Its popular
here, but people get poisoned and die(((((
*photograp 11.11.20 12:02 McDdonalds is an American company. We have them
everywhere here
Old 11.11.20 12:02 But I like Hamburgers! They were invented in
Belarus. It was our president Kastus Lobandievski
that made the first Hamburger 100 years ago.
*photograp 11.11.20 12:03 Really? That is interesting. I never knew that
Old 11.11.20 12:04 And you say America is a cook place. Thousands of
people die every year after visiting
*photograp 11.11.20 12:05 Then I wouldn't go there if I were you. Sounds
like you have a problem.
*photograp 11.11.20 12:05 MAybe the ones in your country are not clean
Old 11.11.20 12:06 And do you have niggers? We have 40 per cent of
population -- niggers. They escape from Africa.
We are rich country, that s why they all go here.
Old 11.11.20 12:07 BTW bears mostly eat niggers. They say their
flesh (meat) is more delicious.
*photograp 11.11.20 12:07 Yes we have them. Here thay hate to be called
niggers. We had slaves until 1865 when they were
made free.
*photograp 11.11.20 12:08 That is fine with me..... DO you know why sharks
don't eat niggers?
*photograp 11.11.20 12:08 They think they are wale shit
Old 11.11.20 12:08 How are they called, if not niggers? Here they
call themselver only niggers
Old 11.11.20 12:09 Very funny))))))))))))
*photograp 11.11.20 12:09 Blacks
Old 11.11.20 12:09 OK I already drunk a bottle of tequila AND NOOOW
I wanna SLLEP!!!!!!
*photograp 11.11.20 12:10 Do you have any more tequila left?
If so lets drink a toast to you and your country
Old 11.11.20 12:11 Yes
*photograp 11.11.20 12:11 Here is to your nation and you. May God bless you
*photograp 11.11.20 12:15 Are you still there
*photograp 11.11.20 12:21 WHere did you go? Did you get drunk and fall
away from your computer?
*photograp 11.11.20 13:02 Hello are yo ustill there