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Slightly Mad

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Everything posted by Slightly Mad

  1. Хех! Сегодня удалось плюхнуться за комп с русской раскладкой. Так что, покуда меня с него не согнали, читайте меня на родном языке.
  2. Probably Rosberg lives in Germany: his father in the end of his career drove in DTM. By the way, I heard that Rusinov in Le Mans drove under French flag.
  3. Now You'll have to think BEFORE you post. Or at most in two hours after...
  4. No probmem! From the next time all my postings here will be bilingual! Pas de problèmes! Dès la prochaine fois je ferai tous mes messages bilingues!
  5. Do you know if there will be something like this in the end of July? I'd like to race.
  6. And do you think you'll be running several races with high risk of the car damage for 300 rubles?
  7. 2 Denis. Translit ya ne ispolzuyu v principe; kak alternativu mogu predlozhit ne pisat voobshche.
  8. Someone still thinks so? Many car racing (especially non-formulas) are vaery specific. I do not understand how Hakkinen could win in Porsche Supercup from the first attempt. when Oleg Kesselman finished 19th in his debut race there, half of the peleton came to cangratulate him because he was a first driver since long time who lost less than 1 lap in his first race there...
  9. The cars are really very powerful. But they require a good physical form. (9 hp in DD or 6 hp in Waymart are just a pleasure drive in comparison with these).
  10. I think, some are too old for this... so there is nothing but to make shit on forum for them...
  11. I think that Lada REvolution will be not a sport but a kind af a show or an attraction for reach people who like racing. So, Popov is the right person for such a championship.
  12. Yeah, sure. And big reports will be written offline in Russian and then pasted here.
  13. I don't understand why there are talks about Williams' role in this story. The wing was announced illegal on last Thursday according to the British magazine Autosport or on last Friday according to f1-live.com Williams staff's quotation is dating yesterday or Sunday only. So, Williams' announcement was done after the wing was named illegal.
  14. And if I'm not mistaken there was a first racing week-end for SEAT in BTCC. As far as I know, Spanish team much improved since last year in ETCC...
  15. I don't think it's a good proof... If one broken car is quicker than another broken car it doesn't mean that the difference in their speed was the same before the incident. Moreover, Button's BAR neither was quicker than Montoya's Williams before the Colombian got the mechanical problems. So, to my mind there is no reason to say that Takuma's car was quicker than Williams.
  16. Fuck... I see there is no more difference in price between French and Russian kartodroms. I hope, soon I'll learn if there is a difference in quality.
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